Monday, March 30, 2009

bouncing ball

Here is the first bouncing ball..the Network was acting stupid and wouldn't let me save my original Flash file after I made some changes to it and it ended up being erased so I had to do it over again arrgh...but it was easy to do it again

after I did the motion path I went back and added in some ease in and ease outs.. it made some difference...I also made the ball hang in the air a little longer each time it hit the top of the arc..and I also added some squash and stretch....I didn't really have any problems with it.

For the second ball took a while to figure out the custom ease in/ease out window...I think its easier and faster to do it the other way..but maybe I'll get more used to it later. I didn't add any squash and stretch because adding another key frame changed the graph in the ease in/ease out window and I think we were only supposed to have one key frame.

So I was able to get the same results using both methods, but I prefer the first method for creating the ball bounce because I feel like I have more control over the whole thing....

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