Monday, March 23, 2009

My favorite animations..inspirations...

picking a favorite animation is IMPOSSOBLE for me, but I will pick out a few that I particularly like or ones that are a big inspiration to me....

first one.....Yuri Norstein's Tale of Tales.. I fist saw this as a kid in an animation camp I took back in the day.. I was totally blown away by it because it was so incredibly beautiful and just amazing. This was done back in the 70's in Soviet Russia with no computers...its all stop motion animation with can do this kind of stuff in Flash with cut out animation...but doing this by hand? it just blows me away.

he also did Hedgehog in the Fog which is another beautiful piece.

I have such a great admiration for traditional animation where you can really see the craftsmanship and the work put into it..the fact that people like Norstein can create such amazing pieces without the aide of computer software just blows my mind away...even though now you have to rely on computer software to create animation stuff like this is a huge inspiration to me.

who doesn't love Miyazaki's stuff? WHO!?!?!?!!? this is just a trailer for his film Spirited Away but I love all of his stuff...all of it. I even have a DVD collection that includes ALL of his films.
but yeah his stuff if just incredible...the designs of the characters and the background and the fantasy creates..everything is just so mindblowingly beautiful.. I will actually break down in tears at some of the scenes in his films because the beautifulness of this is just too much more me...his storytelling is just amazing and his work doesn't have that sappy corny feel to it like lots of American feature films have. I just love his stuff to death... I hope he never retires and keeps making films because I love his stuff to death.

from Gake no Ponyo....his newest film... SEE IT NOW. do DL it somewhere because it will be a while before its released to the states

Prolly my favorite Disney its the first Disney movie I remember seeing as a kid..and I've watched it 284836589326 times since.
something about animation animated to classical music really moved me...some might find it boring...but I love it. The Animation is beautiful and the images and stories they used to go with the music is just perfect....when I watch sequences from this film it makes me wanna try harder at being a successful animator so I can create my own amazing stuff. The clip I posted btw has always been my fave part of the movie even as a kid..just love it.

Love this guys stuff...great animation HILARIOUS. He's just some independent animator..nobody special..but his stuff is great...hilarious stuff about a cat that everybody who owns cats can relate to.

lastly... I figured I'd post something made by nobody particularity famous...done in Flash.

I'm pretty sure this guy has a ton of experience in his field cos uh...this is just incredible..i'm sure he used a combination of frame by frame and cut out-motion tweening but uh.. yeah an amazing peice.. a big inspiration to anyone who wants to be a Flash animator.

this guy's stuff is really silly and retarded..and the style of it looks simple and sloppy but he actually can animate really well..the animation isn't all choppy...and I think its really awesome when people can create an animation that uses a simple style but the animation..the movement of everything is so smooth and well done....I admire that.

I swear most Japanese people are BORN with amazing artistry skills. This is from an awesome series that was started many years back yet due to the popularity of the first one, this animator made 4 more! Its just a great story... great animation...done in Flash. great stuff.

I could post hundreds of more videos but I just leave it here....I get so much inspiration from animation....mostly 2D stuff..even though the market is all about 3D stuff I still cling to all the amazing 2D animation that is out there... old stuff and new stuff....

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